Shipping & Return Policy
All orders are shipped within 24 hours Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm.
We use the following carriers to deliver our orders:
Order Tracking
If a tracking # is provided by the shipping carrier, we will update your order with the tracking information. Please note that some orders using 1st Class USPS mail will not have tracking numbers.
Shipping Rates
The rate charged for the shipping of your order is based on the weight of your products, and your location. Before the final checkout page you will be shown what the cost of shipping will be, and you will have a chance to not place your order if you decide not to.
Returns, Refunds and Exchanges
How To Return An Item
We will accept returns on any defective cover. Defective is defined only if the image was transposed on the design during manufacturing. We do not refund or accept returns because they are the wrong size. If there was mistake with your order, we will either correct the shipment or issue a credit, if necessary. You have 5 business days from the day you receive the order to notify us about any defects and returns.
You must return the item within 10 days of your purchase.
- Please email to request a refund and we will assign you a RA #.
- Mail your returned item to:
Garbage Pantz/ Returns Department , 45 S. Park Place #249, Morristown, NJ 07960
- Include in your package a signed letter stating the reason for your return and the original receipt.